ADEC - AD Engineering Co.
ADEC stands for AD Engineering Co.
Here you will find, what does ADEC stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate AD Engineering Co.? AD Engineering Co. can be abbreviated as ADEC What does ADEC stand for? ADEC stands for AD Engineering Co.. What does AD Engineering Co. mean?The civil engineering business firm is located in Riyadh, Ar Riyad, Saudi Arabia.
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Alternative definitions of ADEC
- Asociación de Exportadores de Café
- Australian Drug Evaluation Committee
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- Association Des Etudiants de Chimie
- Abu Dhabi Education Council
- Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities
- American Data Exchange Corporation
- Aqua Dynamic Electromechanical Company
View 15 other definitions of ADEC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AYAL Archer Yates Associates Ltd
- ASG Autism Specialty Group
- AWL Aloft Wireless LLC
- AHP Arizona House Painters
- AEC All Eye Care
- AST Abatement Solutions Technologies
- AVA Asia Value Advisors
- AMWI Art Metal Workshop Inc.
- ACT Australian Consolidated Training
- AIP Ace Institute Pk
- AEGL Ace European Group Ltd
- APE Atlantic Pallet Exchange
- AJPL Aegis Jobs Pvt Ltd
- ACCT The Association for Challenge Course Technology
- AED Alter Ego Digital
- ACCZ American Chamber of Commerce in Zambia
- ADSL Amazing Days Scotland Ltd
- ASG Appraisal Solutions Group
- AHS Arcadia Home Shopping
- AST Association for Software Testing